28 aprile 2023
10 aprile 2023
Today's morning pictures from President Zelensky
The terrorist state will not overcome the unity of all who value freedom. The occupier will not make intimidation and terror the new norm for Europe. They will not convince anyone that killing and robbing is better than living by the law and cooperating. And the Russian flag will not take root on the occupied territory of Ukraine.
Photo: Madeleine Kelly, Peter Batanov, Taras Ibrahimov, Olena Tita, André Luís Alves, Diego Herrera, Patryk Jaracz, Yevhenii Zavhorodnii, Kostiantyn Liberov and Vlada Liberova, Aris Messinis.
07 aprile 2023
Today's morning pictures from President Zelensky
We will restore the territorial integrity of our state. Ukraine will win at the front. Ukraine will prevail in recovery. Ukraine will be victorious in restoring justice.
Photo: Ronaldo Schemidt, Serhii Korovaynyi, Oleksandr Ratushniak, Roman Pilipey, Paula Bronstein, Olmo Calvo Rodríguez, Felipe Dana.
03 aprile 2023
Today’s morning pictures from President Zelensky🇺🇦
Наш Чернігів. Чернігівщина.
Всюди, куди заходив російський триколор, було принесене зло і страждання. Всюди, де була окупація, людей калічили і розстрілювали. Міста і села – знищували.
Відповідальність окупанта за все це повинна бути повноцінною. Лише коли мир будується на справедливих засадах засудження агресії і коли відповідальність того, хто його зруйнував, забезпечується повністю – мир може триматися довго.
Our Chernihiv. Chernihiv region.
Wherever the Russian tricolor came, it brought evil and suffering. Wherever there was an occupation, people were mutilated and executed, cities and villages were destroyed.
The occupier must be held fully accountable for all this. Peace can last long only when it is built on the just foundations of condemnation of aggression and the accountability of the one who destroyed it is fully ensured.
Photo: André Luís Alves, Dima Kornilov, Evgeniy Maloletka, Heidi Levine, Paula Bronstein, Ricardo Garcia Vilanova, SES of Ukraine, Yevhenii Zavhorodnii