25 marzo 2023
Morire di fame a Bakhmut - La Ragione
20 marzo 2023
Morning pictures from President Zelensky
Коли український народ захистить себе, коли на нашій землі буде відновлено силу Статуту ООН, силу справедливості – це дасть гарантії миру і для багатьох інших частин світу.
When the Ukrainian people defend themselves, when the force of the UN Charter and the force of justice are restored on our land, this will guarantee peace for many other parts of the world as well.
Photo: Kostiantyn Liberov and Vlada Liberova, Olena Tita, Daniel Berehulak, Laurel Chor for Sopa Images, Oleg Pereverzev, Slava Ratynskyi, Evgeniy Maloletka, Hanna Cherevata for Suspilne Zaporizhzhia, Oleg Palchyk.
19 marzo 2023
Sunday Pictures from President Zelensky
"We are warriors, not layabouts or loafers.
And our cause is righteous and holy.
We stand for independence,
that is why it is so hard for us."
Today is the birthday of the legend of Ukrainian poetry Lina Kostenko. Sometimes bitter yet apt words of the poetess describe the pain and at the same time the strength of Ukrainians. Thank you for your contribution to Ukrainian culture and for your indomitable virtue!
Photo: Kostiantyn Liberov and Vlada Liberova for Azov One, Peter Batanov, Emiliano Urbano, Reuters, Roman Pilipey for Getty Images, Vlad Volodin, Emiliano Urbano for The Economist, Stephan Goss.
14 marzo 2023
Morning pictures sent by President Zelensky
У минулому – люди різних професій із різним життєвим шляхом та історією. Зараз – героїчні воїни. І обов’язково настане час – стануть українськими переможцями.
Українські добровольці, які за покликом серця стали на захист незалежності нашої держави і гідно боронять Україну разом з усіма бійцями наших сил оборони та безпеки.
Україна вдячна кожному і кожній, хто відчув, що час стати воїном. Україна пишається всіма, хто здобуває перемогу для нашої держави. Україна завжди пам’ятатиме всіх своїх героїв, які віддали життя за свободу.
Слава українським добровольцям! Слава Україні!
People of different professions in the past, with different life paths and stories. Heroic warriors now. And the time will surely come when they will become Ukrainian winners.
Ukrainian volunteers who, following the call of their hearts, stood up for the independence of our state. And they worthily defend Ukraine together with all the soldiers of our Defense and Security Forces.
Ukraine is grateful to everyone who felt that it was time to become a warrior. Ukraine is proud of everyone who gains victory for our country. Ukraine will always remember all its heroes who gave their lives for freedom.
Glory to Ukrainian volunteers! Glory to Ukraine!
Photo: Ivor Prickett, Julia Kochetova, 67th separate mechanized brigade "Volunteer Ukrainian Corps", Felipe Dana, Headquarters of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army, Hospitallers Medical Volunteer Battalion.
12 marzo 2023
McFAUL: The guessing game about what Putin will do if he begins to lose even more badly in Ukraine
#Russia #Donbass #EU #Cina #Bielorussia #Polonia #NATO #Srebrenica #Bosnia
#Kosovo #Serbia #Croatia #EUFOR #NorthMakedonija #Slovenia #USA #Hungary #Kyiv #Ukraine #POTUS #Turkey #OHR #Estonia #Lituania #Lettonia #Srpska #Dodik #Moldova
Arrivo: dozzine di carri armati Leclerc francesi entrano nel confine ucr...
107 NATO Military Vehicles Arrives in Estonia for delivery to Ukrainian
Sunday Morning Pictures from President Zelensky
Руїни, уламки, воронки від снарядів у землі – це автопортрет Росії, який вона малює там, де без неї панує нормальне життя. Росія стала синонімом терору і стане прикладом поразки та справедливого покарання.
Ruins, rubble, shell craters in the ground - this is Russia's self-portrait, which it paints where normal life reigns without it. Russia has become synonymous with terror and will become an example of defeat and just punishment.
Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka, Daphne Wesdorp, Aris Messinis, Iva Zimova, Serhii Korovainyi, Peter Batanov.
11 marzo 2023
78 veicoli blindati arrivano in Europa e sono pronti per entrare in Ucraina
149 US Stryker Combat Vehicle in Poland Entered Ukrainian Border
This morning pictures from President Zelensky
While the occupier is on our land, while our cities face destruction, while the lives and freedom of millions of Ukrainians are at risk, we must continue this battle. And we will endure. I know we will endure.
Photo: Aris Messinis, Kostiantyn Liberov and Vlada Liberova, Peter Batanov, Vladimir Simicek, Marian Kushnir, Rick Mave, Manu Brabo.