28 marzo 2013
Perso il rispetto, perso tutto...
26 marzo 2013
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claudioghera@me.com has shared: SKI. A Sarajevo la neve copre le ferite della guerra, gli sci le accarezzano | dovatu
| SKI. A Sarajevo la neve copre le ferite della guerra, gli sci le accarezzano | dovatuSource: dovatu.it Sci in Bosnia: Bjela, šnica, e Jahorina , rientreranno nel cicuito internazionale FIS. Non solo Coppa Europa (premessa alla Coppa del Mondo): dopo i Giochi Invernali del 1984 e la tragica disgregazione della Jugoslavia, il Balkan Ski si ripropone al turismo mondiale, con uno stile moderno, genuino e naïf . Boschi vestiti di bianco (latifoglie a valle e conifere a monte), panettoni zuccherati in cima alle montagne, vaste aree aperte adatte allo ski-freeride, 250cm di neve e ćevapčići di vitello ... |
claudioghera@me.com sent this using ShareThis. Please note that ShareThis does not verify the ownership of this email address.
Conversation with Claudio Gherardini and others
Conversation with PiumaTv Firenze, piumatv.puppappera@blogger.com and Claudio Gherardini
21 marzo 2013
13 marzo 2013
This isn't meant to scare you
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Claudio -- Megan Allen is a fifth-grade teacher in Tampa, Florida. At her elementary school, 90 percent of the students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Many live in poverty, with unstable home lives -- some have parents in prison, others go hungry over the weekends. But at school, they're winning science fairs, challenging themselves, and eating two hot meals a day. For Megan's 36 fifth graders, school is a safe place. The budget cuts known as the sequester could change that. In the county where Megan teaches, 142 schools stand to lose $3 million in funding. The sequester could also slash as much as $2 million in federal funding for special education. When those cuts kick in, Megan's students could lose teachers that help them every day -- for example, the folks who coach them through tricky arithmetic, or give those who are having reading trouble the special attention they need. The Head Start programs that got these students ready for kindergarten will be dramatically cut down. Their class sizes could go up, leaving less time for individual attention. The sequester isn't a list of numbers made up to scare you. It's a very real thing that will negatively impact real people -- like Megan's 36 students and their families. Congress needs to hear those stories. They need to know that their inaction has consequences -- that's the only way we'll put an end to these cuts. Share your story right now on how the sequester is affecting your community: http://my.barackobama.com/Share-Your-Sequester-Story Thanks for speaking up. Lindsay Lindsay Siler National Director of Issue Campaigns Organizing for Action ---------------- Let's finish what we started. Chip in $25 or more to Organizing for Action, the grassroots movement that will get the job done. | |
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Contributions or gifts to Organizing for Action are not tax deductible. | |
This email was sent to: claudiogherardini@gmail.com. |
12 marzo 2013
10 marzo 2013
Tibet Libero!

07 marzo 2013
01 marzo 2013
Guitar Hotel Serata per virtuosi della chitarra!